New academic year has started for most of us. I try to do a range of activities on the first day of my introductory statistics course, and one of them is an incredibly brief activity to just show students what R is and what the RStudio window looks like. Here it is:

Generate a random number between 1 and 5, and introduce yourself to that many people sitting around you:

sample(1:5, size = 1)

It’s a good opportunity to have students access RStudio once, talk about random sampling, and break up the class session and have them introduce themselves to their fellow classmates. I usually do the activity too, and use it as an opportunity to personally introduce myself to a few students and to meet them.

If you’re interested in everything else I’m doing in my introductory statistics course you can find the course materials for this semester at and find the source code for all publicly available materials like slides, labs, etc. at Both of these will be updated throughout the semester. Feel free to grab whatever you find useful.