Check out my guest post on the Simulation-based statistical inference blog: Teaching computation as an argument for simulation-based inference If you are interested in teaching simulation-based methods, or if you just want to find out more why others are, I highly recommend the posts on this blog. The page also hosts many other useful resources as well as information on upcoming workshops as well.

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Extreme Fitbit

I have been mourning the loss this week of my FitBit. No idea where it went. That’s the problem with small, portable data collection devices. The very feature that makes them useable makes them lose-able. Then I came across this possible solution which raises entirely new questions about edible lines of data collection devices.

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More Fitbit

Simply Statistics lists some data analysis projects. Skewing towards the intermediate rather than novice student. But still useful in many ways. And—some FitBit ideas!

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Citizen Statistician

Learning to swim in the data deluge