Data science tutorials with learnr and gradethis

This post was contributed by Lee Suddaby and Zeno Kujawa, second year students at the University of Edinburgh majoring in Mathematics and Data Science, respectively.

Over the university summer break, we (Zeno and Lee) were busy making preparations for moving more of our Introduction to Data Science course from being human-graded to computer-graded. We both took this course in the Fall of 2019, as part of our first-year studies at the University of Edinburgh, and this is where we first learned R.

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Shiny for JSM 2019

It took me all of 30 minutes from starting this mini-project to writing this post. This is not meant to be a brag, but instead an ode to reproducibility. Last year for JSM 2018 I made a Shiny app to browse the conference schedule. I personally found that app really useful, and I know a few others did as well. And I saved my code in a GitHub repo. Now that JSM 2019 is almost here, I thought I’d try my code again.

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Citizen Statistician

Learning to swim in the data deluge